Gourmet Award
The Gourmet Award was established in 2003 to raise awareness of the quality and innovation of Danish dairy products.
The primary purpose of the Gourmet Award is to increase interest among food sector trendsetters in dairy products and to highlight the quality and innovation within dairy production.
Whereas the International Food Contest is based exclusively on a technical assessment of dairy products, the Gourmet Award focuses on a consumer-oriented evaluation of taste, aroma, and appearance.
The judging panel includes food professionals, such as food journalists and chefs.
Gourmet Award 2023 (Gourmetprisen)
The Gourmet Award 2023 took place in June. First, a panel of judges assessed all the products before selecting the finalists and winners in each category. The following day, we held a press event where the winners were announced, and guests had the opportunity to taste the winning products.
Winners 2023:
Liquid milk products: Ferm - økologisk æblemost med valle fra Naturmælk
Butter: Gammeldags kærnet smør med Læsø Sydesalt fra Aabybro Mejeri
Hard cheese: Kæk fra Mammen Mejerierne
Soft cheese: Arla Unika Hallands Siren fra Arla Kvibille Mejeri
Ice cream: Tothavens Lakridspindeis fra Tothavens Gårdmejeri
See all products in this online catalogue (Content in Danish)
More information on the Gourmet Award - contact Pia Damgaard Beck, 8731 2075 / 23486373, pdb@mejeri.dk.
All gourmet products will be exhibited in MCH Messecenter Herning during the International Food Contest.
Interested in participating? Contact Ms Pia Damgaard Beck, mobil: +45 2348 6373, e-mail: pdb@mejeri.dk.