
Approximately 1,000 dairy products enter the International Dairy Contest (IDC) each year, with entries first divided into broad categories, and then classified into specific classes. “Liquid Milk”, “Butter & Spreadables,” and “Cheese” are the main categories, and in 2024, “Mixed Milk Origin,” “Powder Ingredients / Cheese Powder,” and “Plant-Based Products” also joined the ranks. Within each of these categories, products are further divided into classes for assessment.

To determine the best of the best, judges use a specific point system to score each product, and the highest-ranked products are awarded gold, silver, and bronze within their class. The class winners (within the “Liquid Milk,” Butter & Spreadables," and "Cheese" categories) advance to compete for the prestigious IFC Award and the title of best in their category for the year.

The Danish Dairy Board presents a special Honorary Award to the dairy with the highest-ranking product in each of the three main categories. Only products awarded a gold medal are eligible to receive this honour.

A wide variety of products are assessed and displayed at the International Food Contest.

Get inspiration from the class list »»

Gourmet Award

The gourmet award does not focus on dairy technical details, but is targeted at chefs and other food and flavour front runners focusing on gastronomical qualities.